David's Garden



673 Country Road 28, Millbrook, ON

Daylilies, true lilies (Asiatic, Trumpet, Orienpets, LA Hybrids and Orientals), Iris, Coneflower, Hosta and grasses. We also offer handmade wooden items for the garden and yard including chairs, benches, bird feeders and houses, whirligigs and more.

May – Come and enjoy the spring bulbs. The sales shed will have cut flowers and wood items for sale.

June – Over 40 Bearded Iris to see and purchase as cut flowers or potted plant.

July and August is Daylily time; hardy and easy to grow perennials for the hot summer months.

June, July and August is also the time we provide cut lily stems from our over 50 varieties. They can also be selected by and picked up in October for your gardens.

Hosta, Coneflowers and Grasses are specialty plants that need to be pre-arranged with the owner to decide what and when to divide for purchase.