Do you like Humming birds, Bees and butterflies in the garden?

Do you like Humming birds, Bees and butterflies in the garden?

How about a plant that can take full sun or part shade as well?  Oh my we are so excited to add 6 more varieties of  Monarda/Bee Balm to our Easy care perennial list.

You maybe thinking Bee Balm spreads, is really tall and gets mildew!  Not these newer ones.  They are resistant to mildew and clump.  They are also fragrant and don’t need lots of water.  The other great thing is they are offering many in shorter heights.    Love these new Sugar Buzz series .  Varieties like;  Cherry Pops, Grape Gumball and many more 14” to 24” high.


With them taking part shade to full sun they mix well with  Coral Bells ‘Pink Fizz’ , ‘Catching Fire’ and even Hosta.  If planting in full sun plant them with coneflowers and reblooming daylilies.  Also Siberian Iris ‘Pink Parfait’ and Salvia ‘Bumbleberry’ or ‘Pink Dawn’

They bloom in June to July/August so they’d mix in well.  For a bright and vibrant addition to any garden.  Oh, forgot to mention they’d look great in a container.  Yes, perennials in containers too!  Just remember to plant back in the ground in September so you can reuse them next season.    At Gardens Plus we strive to make gardening a pleasure not a strain.

Dawn Golloher  owner/operator of Gardens Plus